Mad Scientist Journal – Autumn 2019

Edited by Dawn Vogel and Jeremy Zimmerman

by Jane Abbott, Nate Bjeldanes, Traci Castleberry, Jenn Cavanaugh, Myna Chang, Cole Clayton, Nathan Crowder, Deborah L. Davitt, Robert Dawson, Judith Field, Lucinda Gunnin, Henry Hasselmann, Joachim Heijndermans, Andrew Jensen, Jennavive Johnson, K. Kitts, John A. McColley, Torrey Podmajersky, Zandra Renwick, Stephen D. Rogers, Evelyn Rosenberg, George Salis, M. A. Smith, Gordon Sun, G. D. Watry, Stuart Webb

Time travel, religious birds, and alchemical experimentation. These are but some of the strange tales to be found in this book.

Mad Scientist Journal: Autumn 2019 collects fourteen tales from the fictional worlds of mad science. For the discerning mad scientist reader, there are also pieces of fiction from Judith Field, Andrew Jensen, and Valerie Lute. Readers will also find other resources for the budding mad scientist, including an advice column, gossip column, and other brief messages from mad scientists.

Authors featured in this volume also include M. A. Smith, Stuart Webb, John A. McColley, Zandra Renwick, Jane Abbott, Stephen D. Rogers, G. D. Watry, Myna Chang, Deborah L. Davitt, K. Kitts, Robert Dawson, George Salis, Traci Castleberry, Nathan Crowder, Cole Clayton, Evelyn Rosenberg, Gordon Sun, Henry Hasselmann, Jenn Cavanaugh, Jennavive Johnson, Joachim Heijndermans, Nate Bjeldanes, Lucinda Gunnin, and Torrey Podmajersky. Art provided by Errow Collins, America Jones, Leigh Legler, Luke Spooner, and Ariel Alian Wilson.

About the Authors

Jane Abbott

Jane Abbott was born in 1999. Since an early age, she’s lived in Spokane, Washington. This is the first of a hopefully long list of publications for her. Her love of science-fiction was heavily inspired by video games like the Metroid series and the Alien movie franchise. Jane currently attends Spokane Falls Community College and hopes to become an author as well as a creative writing teacher.

Nate Bjeldanes

Nate Bjeldanes is creative writing student of Mrs. Amanda Vogel at the Vine Academy. These classified ads are his first publications.

Traci Castleberry

Traci Castleberry lives in southern Arizona with two cats and a Lipizzan mare. She’s been published in numerous anthologies, is a graduate of Clarion, Taos Toolbox, and is a first reader for The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.

Jenn Cavanaugh

Jenn Cavanaugh’s poems, stories, and reviews have appeared in several journals, including America, Parabola, and NonBinary Review. Her latest story, about a willful amusement pier living down a sordid past can be found in the anthology Welcome to San Cicaro. She is currently transitioning from her glamorous Paris lifestyle of sending registered letters to insurance companies back to another of her adoptive hometowns, Seattle. Her mother is proud that she finally found a use for her minor in Chemistry.

Myna Chang

Myna Chang writes flash and short stories. Her work has been featured in Daily Science Fiction, The Copperfield Review, Defenestration, and Dead Housekeeping, among others. Find her @MynaChang or read more at

Cole Clayton

Cole Clayton is creative writing student of Mrs. Amanda Vogel at the Vine Academy. These classified ads are his first publications.

Nathan Crowder

Creator and curator of the superhero universe of Cobalt City, Nathan lives in the wilds of North Seattle, where he writes his weird stories and survives on a diet of coffee and irony. He draws inspiration from Kurt Vonnegut who reminds us, "God damn it, you've got to be kind."

Deborah L. Davitt

Deborah L. Davitt was raised in Nevada, but currently lives in Houston, Texas with her husband and son.  Her poetry has received Rhysling, Dwarf Star, and Pushcart nominations; her short fiction has appeared in InterGalactic Medicine Show, Compelling Science Fiction, and Pseudopod. For more about her work, including her Edda-Earth novels and her forthcoming poetry collection, The Gates of Never, please see

Robert Dawson

Robert Dawson has a Ph.D., teaches mathematics at a Nova Scotian University, and writes science fiction.

Judith Field

Judith Field lives in London, UK. She is the daughter of writers, and learned how to agonise over fiction submissions at her mother's (and father's) knee. She's a pharmacist working in emergency medicine, a medical writer, editor, and indexer. She started writing in 2009. She mainly writes speculative fiction, a welcome antidote from the world she lives in. Her work has appeared in a variety of publications in the USA, UK, and Australia. When she's not working or writing, she studies English, knits, sings, and swims, not always at the same time.

Lucinda Gunnin

Lucinda Gunnin is a short story author and commercial property manager in the suburbs of Philadelphia. She writes a gossip column for Mad Scientist Journal and has a published collection of short horror Seasons of Horror available at When not writing, she’s a gluten-free gamer girl, sushi lover, and cat-spoiling pet parent. Find her on Twitter @LucindaGunnin.

Henry Hasselmann

Henry Hasselmann lives in a Chicago suburb, with his dog, Piper, his brother, and his parents. He’s a big Packers fan, even though that means living in fear of the crazy Bears fans that surround him. With his overactive imagination, he’s always dreamed of becoming an author. He wrote his first book when he was just six, a two page book about a Syrup Thief.
Henry also enjoys watching football, reading, and running around, driving his parents crazy. He also may have a bit of an obsession with Morse Code. The people who inspired him to write are, J.R.R. Tolkien, Rick Riordan, and JK Rowling.

Joachim Heijndermans

Joachim Heijndermans writes, draws, and paints nearly every waking hour. Originally from the Netherlands, he's been all over the world, boring people by spouting random trivia. His work has been featured in a number of publications, such as Metaphorosis, Hinnom Magazine, Every Day Fiction, Asymmetry Fiction, Kraxon Magazine, and Gathering Storm Magazine. He's currently in the midst of completing his first children's book. You can check out his other work at, or follow him on Twitter: @jheijndermans.

Andrew Jensen

Andrew Jensen lives in the Ottawa Valley near Canada's capital city. In addition to writing speculative fiction, he plays trumpet, impersonates Kermit the Frog, has a black belt in Karate, and is a United Church minister. Some of his recent publications have been in DreamforgeAbyss & Apex magazine, Tales from the Fluffy Bunny, Well Said, O Toothless One, and Futuristic Canada.

Jennavive Johnson

Jennavive Johnson was born in the cold lakes of Minnesota, and moved to arid desert of Arizona in her adolescence, where she now lives with her several cats. She works, despite the heat, at an auction house.

K. Kitts

Dr. K. Kitts is a retired geology professor who lives in the high desert of New Mexico. She served as a science team member on the NASA Genesis Mission and worked with both Apollo lunar samples and meteorites. She has dozens of non-fiction publications, but she no longer wishes to talk about “what is” but rather “what if.” She is currently writing both short and novel-length science fiction.

John A. McColley

John A. McColley claims to be a recent father of three, living at the edge of a three-hundred-acre wood. Evidence mounts that he, too, has lost touch with reality after months of sleep deprivation, spinning tales of mechanical men and magic. He reports waking many times a night to the screaming of very cute, but very angry, tiny, twin demons who demand milk and diaper changes.

Torrey Podmajersky

Delivered by time travelers to a newly-cooled Earth, Torrey Podmajersky spent her formative years in de facto world domination. Since her peaceful abdication, she and her knifemaking husband embroider the outskirts of imaginalia with monsters, tools, and words.

Zandra Renwick

Zandra Renwick’s fiction has been translated into nine languages, performed on stage, and optioned for television. She writes in a triangulated midpoint between Portland (Oregon), Austin (Texas), and the heart of Canada’s capital city (Ottawa). More at

Stephen D. Rogers

Stephen D. Rogers is the author of A Dictionary of Made-Up Languages and more than 800 shorter pieces. His website,, includes a list of new and upcoming titles as well as other timely information.

Evelyn Rosenberg

Evelyn Rosenberg is a twelve-year-old girl currently living in Illinois. She enjoys theater, singing, dancing, and most of all, reading, writing, and musical theory. She’s often found singing to herself in the halls of her school as she walks between classes. She even tries to sing on the way home from school, but her sister constantly tells her to stop. Evelyn plays the guitar as well. She dreams of working for a theater class, or better, a Broadway musical.

Evelyn’s other passion is animals. Although Evelyn enjoys writing in almost any genre, anything she writes will be sure to feature something furry. A lot of stories she reads also happen to include a small critter, or an enormous bear. Her favorite series, though, are Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. Although the stories were amazing, she also fell in love with the animals, especially Hippogriffs.

George Salis

George Salis is the award-winning author of Sea Above, Sun Below (forthcoming from River Boat Books (, 2019). His fiction is featured in The Dark, Black Dandy, Zizzle Literary Magazine, The Sunlight Press, Unreal Magazine, and elsewhere. His criticism has appeared in Isacoustic, Atticus Review, and The Tishman Review, and his science article on the mechanics of natural evil was featured in Skeptic. He is the editor of The Collidescope and is currently working on an encyclopedic novel titled Morphological Echoes. He has taught in Bulgaria, China, and Poland. Find him on Facebook, Goodreads, and at

M. A. Smith

M. A. Smith writes from Gloucestershire, UK, where she lives with her family.

Her fiction has appeared (or is due to appear) in publications including Mythic, Gathering Storm Magazine, Outposts of Beyond, and Dark Moon Digest. Her flash fiction tale, “Plain Sight” was selected as a finalist for Havok Magazine’s Monsters v Robots contest issue, and featured in the July edition.

Smith’s novella Severance (published by Fantasia Divinity) is available now on Amazon or via the publisher’s online store.

Gordon Sun

Gordon Sun is a surgeon, data scientist, and healthcare consultant in California. His literary works have appeared or are forthcoming in publications including Westwind, Cartridge Lit, Ars Medica, and others.

G. D. Watry

G. D. Watry is a writer from California. His work has appeared in Pantheon Magazine, Hinnom Magazine, OCCULUM, Shotgun Honey, Third Flatiron Publishing, and The Molotov Cocktail, among other publications. You can find him on Twitter @GDWatry.

Stuart Webb

Stuart Webb has been an active member of Transformers fandom for over a decade, writing multiple comic reviews for Since 2012, he has been running the Transformation project at, where he looks at each issue of the British Transformers comic at a weekly rate. To date, two book versions have been collected of material from the website. His hands aren't evil, just mildly confused.